What Are Your Reasons?

What Are Your Reasons?

These beautiful young ladies are one of the reasons I continue to heal and do the inner work.

My gift to them is the healthiest version of me and a mom who is unashamed about her love for Jesus.

A mom who is whole mind, body and spirit.

A mom who loves, respects and honors their daddy.

A mom who loves herself and creates healthy boundaries.

A mom who no longer allows anyone to shame, control or manipulate her.

A mom who is brave and courageous.

A mom who loves deeply and open handily.

A mom who accepts all people.

A mom who forgives others and herself.

A mom who finds joy and pleasure in the simple every day life.

A mom who find purpose in the now.

A mom who faces her fears and runs after the purpose God has for her.

A mom who lights up when her daughters walk in the room.

A mom who doesn’t quit.

A mom who her daughters can trust.

A mom not afraid to risk even if that means being misunderstood.

A mom who her daughters are proud to call their mom.

A mom whose biggest reward in life is witnessing her daughters and sons living whole and beautiful lives. Living out their purposes and plans God has for them.

A mom who knows it’s not about perfection.

A mom who is aware that she is a work in progress but continues to learn how to practice loving herself back to wholeness and teaching her daughters and others to do the same.

Ladies, if you are ready to love yourself back to wholeness leave a comment.

Let’s encourage each other. Because life is just better together.

kimwattspeaks #momcoach #loveyourselfbacktowhole