Therapist | Certified Life Coach | Speaker & Mental Health Advocate
Hi, I’m Kim Watt. I’m a compassionate and empathetic therapist who works with teens, families, women—including those navigating midlife and menopause—men, and LGBTQIA individuals as they move through life’s challenges and transitions. Whether you’re managing stress, healing from church trauma, recovering from narcissistic relationships, navigating family dynamics, or seeking deeper self-connection, I provide a warm, non-judgmental, and empowering space to support you.
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Kim Watt
My Story
Hey Midlife Friend,
Right before the pandemic, my life began to unravel. I could barely walk down the street. My body was in severe pain, my emotions were all over the place, and I felt like I was falling apart. If my husband said one word to me, I felt like I was going to punch him in his face. I was extremely irritable. I thought I was going crazy until I started doing some research and made an appointment with my wonderful gynecologist, who specializes in menopause. She answered all my questions and helped me feel less alone.
As someone who has been dedicated to inner healing for the past 30 years, I was still carrying so much pain, and it was showing up in my body. On top of all that emotional pain, my kids were growing up, graduating high school, and suddenly, I had to face that moment when you drop your firstborn off to college. My heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest.
After being a stay-at-home mom for 20 years, I knew it was time to invest in myself—go back to school for my master’s, get back on antidepressants, start HRT, and find an incredible therapist to help me rediscover who I am.
Midlife, perimenopause, and menopause are tough. We need support. That’s why I’ve dedicated my life to helping anyone willing to do the work, especially women 40 and older. Let’s be real: we need each other.
As a therapist, Certified Life/Solution-Focused Coach, and speaker, it would be an honor to work alongside you to help you rediscover yourself and find your North Star again!

You are in full control
Coaching Opportunities

Electrify Midlife Inner-Circle
Group Coaching Program
Loving yourself back to wholeness while helping you discover solutions to everyday struggles.
One full day Midlife Retreat
How to gain the confidence to tap into your creativity and love your life now while overcoming
obstacles men rarely have to face even if you feel unqualified, missed your opportunity, lack
support, money and time.

One-on-One Virtual Life Coaching
- A safe and judgement free space where you are free to discover who you really are.
- Get to the root why you are stuck.
- Discover your passion, creativity & desires again.
- Release emotional pain
- Heal from past trauma
- Bring intimacy and sex back to the bedroom
- And much more.
If you are interested in having Kim Coach you one-on-one in business or life, please email Kim and she will get back to you.
Hear what others have to say...
Client Success Stories

The Power of White Women’s Tears
The first time I heard about the power of white women’s tears was three years ago. I began digging deeper to learn how I’ve benefited

The Black Baby Dolls
Twelve years ago I found myself living out a dream of mine. I was being coached by a famous motivational speaker and author. I read

You Are Not A Hot Mess
The way we see and talk about ourselves is who we will become. If we believe that to be true, why do we talk about

Will The Pain Kill You?
I’ve been trying to think how I learned to show up fully with all my imperfections and never really striving for perfection or trying to

Are You A Crappy Friend?
I’m a crappy friend. I know I am. And when I meet new people and they tell me how much they love me or how

Do You Find Yourself in Another Season of Saying Good-Bye and Letting Go?
Letting your babies go is so hard. I remember the day leading up to my oldest daughter’s first day of Kindergarten. This was before we