About Me

I’m beyond thrilled you decided to stop by and check out my website. Before you click to something maybe more interesting or profound, let me take a quick second to introduce myself.

I’m an overly emotional forty-four year young middle-aged hormonal woman who undeniably recognizes I’m a flipping hot mess without Jesus.

After twenty years of the ups and downs that comes along with marriage, I’m still captivated by my husband, overwhelmed with love towards our remarkable four kiddos (one who is on her way to college next year. How did this happen so quickly?) even though they are the only humans on this planet who have the unique ability to drive me absolutely bonkers in one minute seriously wanting to scream and pull out my hair doubting my sanity while the next weeping with gratitude and adoration that I get the privilege and opportunity to be their mom.

I graduated from the University of Michigan-Dearborn just two days before our second child was born with a BA in Public Relations.  I had the privilege to be personally mentored and share the stage many times with legendary world renown motivational speaker and best selling author Les Brown.  As just went beyond the necessary requirements to become a Mastermind.com Professional and ear the official title Of Knowledge Broker  by nations’ top life and business strategist Tony Robbins and leading success coach, business owner, author and speaker Dean Graziosi where I earned how to run powerful impactful & profitable masterminds.

Currently, I’m SAHM  home-educating our kids for the past 11 years while speaking and coaching other women.

I’m a recovering people pleaser and made the promise to myself to fight the urge to conform to the image of who others expect or want me to be but instead having the courage to live out my best authentic life while dedicating my time to help others do the same.

I’m extending an invitation to anyone who may be wandering or wondering through her wilderness to my table where hopefully you always find a place of belonging, healing and freedom to be you because  life is too hard and painful to waste any more waking hours experiencing feelings of rejection and being misunderstood.   As I bare my brutal scars and share my immense joys, my hope is that it will inspire, encourage and remind you that you are never alone and that your story is not over yet.

I unapologetically love Jesus, spending time with family, date nights with my hubby,  laughing with friends, reading work by authors who challenge me to dig deeper, living in denial that 90’s music is now considered oldies, enjoy drinking more coffee than anyone with my  type of personality should be allowed, occasionally sipping on a an ice cold beer and able to admit relish in muttering a few cuss words now and then.

I look forward to rewriting our stories and participate in this glorious unpredictable journey called life together.

If you are in need of a Success/Business Coach or your organization is looking for a speaker, I would be honored and delighted to work with you. Please fill out the contact form or check out the speaking and coaching links for more information or send an email to info@kimwattspeaks.com.

There is power in her name!

watt is an International System of Unit of power that is equal to one joule of energy per second. A joule is the work done, or energy expended, by a force of one newton moving an object one meter alone the direction of the force. A newton is the unit of force that is required to accelerate an object in any direction.

Kim Watt’s energy level behind her powerful message is expended by the force of her passion for helping people realize their dreams, thus accelerating that individual’s thinking in a positive direction, taking them to new levels in their professional careers and personal lives!

Her heart for seeing women break through fear and doubt to accomplish goals and fulfill dreams fuels Kim’s passion. She understands the significance of individuals facing these fears and doubts head-on, because, for many years, shame and fear of success held her back from reaching her own dreams-but not anymore! Having had world-renowned motivational speaker, Les Brown, as her mentor, Kim often shared the stage with him nationally and internationally.

Kim’s mission is to help inspire one million women over the age of 40 to regain their confidence to start building a life & business they love on their terms & overcoming obstacles men rarely face even if they have zero time, lack of support and technically challenged.

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications and Public Relations from the University of Michigan in Dearborn. After owning and operating a small business that provided personalized songs for children, one of her motivating factors in finally becoming a public speaker was to demonstrate to her four children that they can accomplish anything they set their minds too. Her children have also been privy to other positive examples set by their mom. For instance, Kim and her children were featured in “First Magazine, ” a magazine for women on the go. She has also been home-educating her children for the past 11 years.

Her versatility as a wife, mother, business owner , and community volunteer allows her to customize an energizing and thought-provoking training program or presentation to suit the needs of corporations, schools, organizations, churches or small groups. Whether as a keynote speaker or training facilitator, her messages challenge her audience to remove all obstacles holding them back from accomplishing goals and developing winning strategies.

Kim Watt has transformed her life and will transform yours too, with her dynamic approach through these various topics:

  • How to gain the confidence to start building a business & life you love even while overcoming obstacles men rarely face even if you have zero time, lack of support and technically challenged.
  • How to discover your purpose while creating a thriving marriage and healthy relationships with your children even when you feel less than qualified.
  • How to Endure the Daily Struggles and Pressures of Being a Mom?
  • How to Bring Sexy back into your marriage.
  • Recovering From an Abusive Relationship
  • How to Establish Healthy Boundaries
  • How to Receive Help and Support When Struggling With Depression and Anxiety.
  • Loving Yourself Back to Wholeness.
  • Learning How to Forgive Others Including Yourself?
  • Motivating kids to Greatness.
  • Customize programs to meet your needs

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