Time to Check Ourselves Before we Wreck Ourselves.

Time to Check Ourselves Before we Wreck Ourselves.

Ladies, time to check ourselves before we wreck ourselves. Are you ready to talk about shame and insecurities and why we keep hurting other women? Seriously, we need to stop.

One way I l believe to start is by having self-awareness. When we do, we begin the process of healing from shame and learning to love ourselves and when we do this in a healthy God-centered way, we then can love and accept other women too. We are not in competition with each other.

I see it all the time. Women tearing each other down, gossiping and criticizing other women. You do realize Jealously will only hurt you and keep you from living your best life. All of these negative behaviors have nothing to do with other women but instead with your own brokenness. There is no need for this, once we receive and believe we are worthy of love we can stop this vicious and toxic cycle.

The reason I’m so aware of this because I lived this out in my own life. Talk about insecurities. I was a walking billboard. I remember my husband’s, first love. (My husband and I have known each other since 4th grade. We know everything about each other.)

There was no doubt he really really liked her before we started dating. Because of that, I had this love-hate relationship with her. I felt if he had the chance, he would have rather married her instead of me. She was beautiful, great personality and everyone loved her. I hated her for it. I was her friend in front of her face but behind her back, I killed her with my words. This jealousy I had for her carried with me until my late 20’s and early 30’s. We think we can run from our crap but eventually, we will have to come face to face with ourselves sooner or later.

So it shouldn’t shock me as God was starting to heal my life and our marriage that she would move down the street from us. I thought I was going to die. No joke. I tried to fake it that it didn’t bother me but the idea of my husband’s first love living down the street from us drove me insane.

I pretty much threatened my husband if he ever talked to her, it might be the end of him. Don’t judge me.

Check out how God used this as an opportunity to make me face my own insecurities which were rooted in shame.

This was extremely painful. God carried me through this process with so much gentleness and love. He healed me by helping me taking off my mask and giving me the strength to get real with myself.

I am happy to share that I was able to ask this woman for forgiveness and thankfully she forgave me. Today, we are friends. Once I was able to forgive and love me, I was no longer intimated by her beauty and amazing personality. I no longer needed to diminish her to make me feel better. I’m able to celebrate the fact that she is an incredible and beautiful woman too.

Not only did this heal me and our friendship but it healed our marriage and took my intimacy with my husband each other to a whole new level.

I encourage you today to allow God to use your pain for good. You already have the courage inside of you all ready to help you take the step to allow the Holy Spirit to begin the process of loving you back to wholeness. You just need to see it for yourself. You are stronger than you know.

You are worthy of Love. You deserve to live your best life now. You are not your past mistakes. You do not need to be self-sabotaging yourself anymore by giving power to jealousy and insecurities. They are not the master of your heart Jesus is. There is nothing you have to prove. You are enough.

You just might need some tools on how to learn to love yourself. I wouldn’t be who I am today, if it wasn’t for God giving me amazing mentors, coaches and always providing me with a community of trusted friends who allowed ( and continue because it’s a never-ending process. We always have something to lean.) me to learn how to heal and love myself back to wholeness.

I’m starting a 4-week online coaching program called, “Loving yourself to Wholeness as you discover solutions to everyday struggles.”

We only have limited space. So, if your interested leave a comment or email me at kim@kimwattspeaks.com.

Warning: This is only for women who are willing to get real with themselves.
#kimwattspeaks #momcoach #lifecoach #loveyourselfbacktowholeness