Do you Have the Courage to Look at the Plank in your Eyes?  Racism & Prejudice

Do you Have the Courage to Look at the Plank in your Eyes? Racism & Prejudice

Sharing another lesson learned in 2018: Racism and Prejudice.

2018 was no doubt a growing year. The Holy Spirit reminded me of the little girl inside of me who at one time wanted to use her voice and be an advocate for social justice many years ago. I vividly remember sitting at my desk in the 5th grade during social studies reading about heroes like MLk or Rosa Parks thinking to myself, I want my life to make a positive impact in this world by helping others too. As I was reflecting, I began to ask myself where did that little girl go? What happened to her?

As God was opening my heart and mind and reigniting one of the purposes he has for me, He had to first take out the big dusty broken old plank in my own eyes and had me recognize my own racist thoughts and prejudices that I picked up through the years and have been carrying with me ever since. Before God could use my voice, I had to look deeper at me. It was painful. It broke my heart and caused me to immediately fall on my knees and repent. (I’ve learned so much through this process that I plan to write about in the coming weeks.)

Since then, I’ve been dedicating myself to learning by listening to voices of POC and within the LBGT community. I’ve been reading more books by people who look, live and have different experiences, thoughts and opinions from me. The more I listen and the more conversations I have only helps me grow and love like Jesus.

Not only has this helped me love people better, I’m loving myself again too. God brought me back to remember that sweet innocent little girl with so many dreams and to see the brave, bold and courageous woman He created me to be. May I share something with you? It feels so free to be me. The Lord wants the same for you. He wants you to love yourself again too.

You want change in 2019? You want purpose? You want freedom? Whatever your one word may be, I want to encourage you to have the courage to ask the Lord to take the plank out of your eyes. But be ready. It’s not easy.

But this I do know. The Lord will be gentle and will never shame you. He will love you through the process of healing by helping you remember all the good he placed inside of you. He still has a purpose and a plan for you. If you allow him, he will take those old broken planks and design something beautiful from them. You wait and see.

Happy New Years Eve!! In 2019, let’s be brave together!