Abundance or Lack?

Abundance or Lack?

Yesterday, I stayed in my comfy grey sweat pants all day, bought a few groceries, played cards with my kids, laughed and cried while watching a few old home movies with the family, and took a walk with Mark before going to bed. It was a goregeous evening. It felt like spring. No stress. No comparing. No thinking about bills. No list of all the things I must do the next 30 days. Instead, I decided to start my year off being kind to myself. Not beating myself up with everything I didn’t do or could have done better and a heart full of gratitude.

I’m not sure what your 2018 was like for you, but for us it was full of both lows and highs. Last year, was most definitely another challenging year. But, through it all our family grew closer to God and each other. We are still here with a roof over our head, food in the cupboards and clothes on our back and dreams in our heart.

2019 is going to be another big year for us. Our oldest will be leaving and heading off to college. When she does, everything about our home will change. She’s ready. I see it in her eyes. This is the moment we have been preparing her for to go out in the world and live her very best life. As excited as we are for her, I feel like I’m just not ready to let go. Regardless of how I feel, this is not about me. It’s about her. Just like every other family who has had to let go of their babies, we will get through this too.

So, this year, I’m not rushing anything. I’m trusting and enjoying simple things like late night walks, family dinners, board games , last minute trips to the beach and driving my old white old mini van with crumbs still on the floor ( it drives my husband nuts.) hormonal kids still fighting over the front seat and taking over the playlist on Spotify or yelling from the back seat turn the music up or change the station thinking they own the rights to my radio.

Yes, we have dreams just like you but I’ve learned through the years you better be present and enjoy who and what you have right in front of you because seasons will eventually change even if we are not ready.

As you start 2019 the only thing you may need to change is your perspective. I may not be touring the world speaking nor have written a best selling book just yet, even though it’s a dream of mine. We moved to charlotte over a year ago and still haven’t painted our bedroom. We still need to decorate our home and would love to buy new furniture. Of course, my husband and I would like to be in better shape and the list continues. However, instead of lack, I’m choosing abundance. Everything we need He has already placed inside both you and me. It’s up to us. Will you experience 2019 with an abundance mindset or lack? Will you trust the process or will you rush through another year? It’s really up to you!
Happy 2019!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I was blessed by your message on the the Monday night call and blessed by your New Year;s message. Thank you for the reminder to enjoy each day and to spend time with those around us. Much success to you and your family.

    1. Thank you so much for blessing me with these words!

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